Factory Reset

Use of the mesh box command "factoryreset", can solve problems with wiana, and settings of meshboxes that has changed position or hardware in the mesh. However most custom changes are NOT over written.

Do not fear the factoryreset, it doesn't delete custom scripts such as the famous PierToPier rotating advertising banners, nor does it overwrite the rc.local firewall rules to block file sharing. Nor does it overwrite the configuration files of camserv, or splash screen. It doesn't even mess up their master files!

IT DOES however generate new hardware keys (if necessary), and will need to be registered with wiana, and therefore an new IP address.

Re-Registering with wiana, if the hardware has been changed or replaced, it will probably be given a new hardware key. If this happens then just clone the new box's settings off the old one in wiana and delete the now missing box (which will have the same cell ID).

Getting a path to wiana to reregister, when factory reseted the box will come up on an SSID of "locustworld". To register a repeater you will need to make it mesh with your ssid. use the following command, as root, from a console or ssh session. 

iwconfig wlan0 essid piertopier.net channel 6

Then wait for the box to mesh, obviously put your nets ssid where I put "piertopier.net".

wianaregister may still not work, doesn't seem to run from a console, this is a bugger. I cannot register mesh box from a mesh box, I have to ssh into it to get wiana register to work. Suspect it an English keyboard issue. I have always had to use putty (http:// www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ download.html) to connect from out side and then run wiana register.

NOTE if you do factory reset on box WITHOUT changing the hardware, you can probably dump the wianaregister step, so long as it can see the internet it will just re- download its settings...... eventually.

this is mostly useful for people who play musical hardware in mesh boxes! Or are like me to cheap to buy an new one and just replace parts!


P.S. sorry about the typos will correct later.