CSS Revelation
I think I've finally cracked css. Many thanks (in absentia) to Steve Whitbread ex of the IT dept at College who's CSS I picked to pieces for inspiration. See here". The key to getting around the box model problem of Firefox / Impotent explorer, is to use the cascading concept of style sheets. Getting this site to render in all browsers was a matter of making the 100% before the 2 side columns appear. Stopping the margins in and out box model problem made by Micro$oft from coming out different.
This site should now look (pretty much) the same in all browsers. I reckon it looks best in Opera. Mind you Opera's the best browser any how. Internet explore looks worst. Mind you its an old version, I don't use it so it seemed silly to waste time down loading the patches. They don't fix half the holes anyway
Lock to Gateway
The lock to gateway button in Wiana, does indeed lock to gateway. Even when the gateway dies. I assumes it was a more serious version of "prefer Gateway", but no suicidal as it may seem it LOCKS, STOCKs and both smokin' barrels to the gateway you specify.
Use with extreme caution.
However the prefer gateway function seems to work nicely!