A day in the office
Darwin to Wadeye, 400km each way, 180 of them on Dirt with the wet season fast aproacing and a 2WD

People Of Surrey You Do Not Need a 4WD, I do. That precious cargo of WiFi access points must get through.

14 Forever
Despite the fact is basically a wreck, was built in the 80's (Margret Thatcher). It still floats, this boat is indead a forteen and appears to be still going. Its had several rigs the rudder gantry has broken its been 'olled below the waterline by .....

Trial Period on Chillispot
Chillispot is a Captive Portal or Splash screen system for wifi hotspots and the like, we (PierToPier.net) OK mostly me have been hacking around with it for a while. Here's how to allow limited guest access by hacking around with the Login Page. There .....

Muddy Linux
A small linux distro, developed from pebble linux from New York Wireless, designed to be booted from a 128 Meg CF card. This was used for at least 2 years to run PierToPier.net's seafront wifi network in Brighton. Put in an appearance at the Glade .....

The Great Errection
This is the raising of the large antenna at the Glade Festival. Part of one of PierToPier.net's Projects.

It's still working fine, this is one of PierToPier's Wireless Nodes. This ones lives in a hut on Brighton Beach. Sea air's good for your well it ain't good for PC's

PierToPier.net Development Environment
Believe it or not I had to tidy my room to fit all the junk in that was needed. key: Badly modded case on ancient desktop, bits of this came out of a 386, Athlon 1.3 running windows and Linux. Famous for possibly being the only > 1 gig PC with a .....

camserv on Slackware
Camserv won't compile, this is a common problem these days apparently. New versions off glibc or gcc or whatever its called are apparently less tolerant of missing bits than the older verions. If you download camserv do "./configure", then "make .....

No Cat Splash on openwrt
To get captive portal working on openwrt you need to do the following: Get White Russian. from openwrt.org Set it up using the instructions on their site. Warning do turn boot wait on as per their instructions - they're not joking. Its a really good .....

Orinocos's Still Rule
The first major wireless network cards on the market were produced by Lucent. Most famous are the Orinoco silver and Gold cards. Now made by Agere. They rock. They're only 30 mW not the more modern 100 mW cards. They have a great client utility, work .....

Intel Wireless LAN cards
Intel WiFI cards, as found in centrino laptops and others are a real nightmare. The symptoms I've noticed include: Refusal to connect to unencrypted networks. Windows says "Are you sure you want to connect to this unsecured network", you hit yes .....

Auto Power Swich
Switch on your pc when power applied, not by pushing a button. Originally designed for EPIA MS8000 Mini ITX motherboard, this baby will switch your pc on when eve it gets power. Description: A replacement for the momentary action switch on the front .....

Quantum Mechanics
This is Inspired, its probably copyright too, still some times you just go to take a risk. I believe it originally came from Private Eye Private Eye suing someone, rather than being sued, that would be ironic As you can see its been pinned to the .....

Lucent PCMCIA - ISA adapter (Vadem)
I had a PCMCIA - ISA adapter cheap of ebay. When I first put it in win98 it windows died, wouldn't boot and said Quote: Error in IO Subsys or some such nonsense. Don't worry windows already has the drivers for this card! Solution, .....